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王瑜,西南财经大学管理学(审计学)博士,北京大学光华管理威尼斯人娱乐场 博士后。研究方向主要包括资本市场会计与审计、国家审计等问题研究。先后在《会计研究》、《审计研究》等刊物公开发表论文数篇,参编研究生教材一部,主持和参与多项国家自科基金项目、国家社科基金项目和省部级项目的研究工作。入选第二批审计署联合国审计人才库,担任青海省省级预算绩效评价专家、重庆市审计学会学术委员、中国政府审计研究中心专职研究员等社会职务。

Wang Yu, received her Ph. D. degree in Management (Auditing) from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and a post-doctoral degree from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Her research area mainly includes capital market accounting and auditing, national auditing and other issues. She has published several papers in journals such as Accounting Research and Auditing Research, and participated in the compilation of a graduate textbook. She has presided over and participated in a number of research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Foundation of China and provincial and ministerial level projects. Dr.Wang was selected into the second batch of the United Nations Audit Talent Pool set by the National Audit Office of PRC. She also served as an expert of Qinghai provincial budget performance evaluation, an academic member of Chongqing Audit Society, and a researcher of the CCGAR.