
会计系,主讲 “财务报表分析”等课程。先后在刊物上公开发表论文6余篇。博士期间主持参加课题两项(中国人民大学研究生科学研究基金项目)。致力于会计准则、公司治理、税务会计与税务筹划等问题的研究。
Shi Guoying was born in Hebei province. She received her B.S. in International Economics & Trade Program from Bebei University in 2006, M.S. in Accounting from Hebei University in 2010, Ph.D. in Accounting from Renmin University in 2014. She teaches Financial Statement Analysis for undergraduate students in BTBU. Dr. Shi’s research focuses on accounting standard, Corporate Governance, Tax accounting and tax planning. She has published in outstanding domestic finance and accounting journals. She used to take charge of various research subjects assigned by 2 Renmin University.