

主讲人:Francisco Saldanha da Gama,Chair of supply chain management at Sheffield University

     Management School (UK)

题  目:The latency location-routing problem with stochastic travel times

主持人:崔丽教授,威尼斯人娱乐场 数字运营学系主任

时  间:2024年4月9日(周二)下午4:00-5:30

地  点:综合楼601


In vehicle routing problems, latency refers to the sum of the arrival times at the visiting nodes. This is a performance measure of relevance in some settings such as in disaster operations management. In this presentation, the focus is put on the case in which the depots are still to be selected—the latency location-routing problem. The travel times are assumed uncertain but representable by some given joint cumulative distribution function. A risk-averse decision-maker is considered, which is accounted for by adopting the latency conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) and a latency Mean-CVaR as objectives. In any case, the level of risk aversion is adjustable. An optimization model is discussed. An efficient multi-start variable neighborhood search algorithm is proposed for tackling the finite-scenario problem. This procedure is then embedded into a sampling procedure so that realistic instances of the problem can be tackled namely, when the travel times are represented by random vectors with a very large, possibly infinite, support. An empirical analysis is presented covering aspects such as the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms, the relevance of capturing uncertainty, and the effect of the risk-aversion level in the solutions.


Francisco Saldanha da Gama is chair of supply chain management at Sheffield University Management School (UK) where he is also the head of the Operations Management and Decision Sciences Research Center. His research interests include Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Decision-Making under Uncertainty, Facility Location, and Project Scheduling and Management.