
数字运营学系 张笑菊 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2024-02-02

数字运营学系 张笑菊 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological   2024-02-02

Zhang X, Li H, Sheu J B. Integrated scheduling optimization of AGV and double yard cranes in automated container terminals[J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2024, 179: 102871.

【内容摘要】Double yard cranes in one yard block refer to two yard cranes that run in different rails and can pass each other. They can both reach to the seaside and landside of the yard blocks. But interference between the double yard cranes occurs during picking up or putting down containers, which has to be solved when assigning tasks to the double yard cranes. AGVs assignment have also to be considered when scheduling yard cranes. This paper focuses on the integrated optimization of AGV and double yard cranes in automated container terminals, aiming to increase terminal efficiency through the coordination of multiple sub-operations. A mixed integer programming model is developed, which considers the interference of the double yard cranes. The objective is to minimize the completion time of all the tasks. To solve the problem, a branch and bound (B&B) based method is designed. Specifically, a heuristic algorithm is used to assign container tasks to AGVs, and B&B method is utilized to assign container tasks to double yard cranes. This paper derives pruning strategies and acceleration strategies based on model analysis to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. The effectiveness and validity of the proposed model and algorithm is verified through small-scale and large-scale experiments. Results are compared with that of commercial solver Gurobi.