
金冬梅, 女,1971年生人,威尼斯人娱乐场 工商管理系人力资源管理教研室专业教师。2003年获北京师范大学心理学博士学位,2011年牛津大学访学。主讲人力资源管理、人员测评理论与方法以及人力资源管理心理学等课程。本科教学学评教优秀。2010年指导学生获校级优秀硕士学位论文,2012年指导学生获校级优秀本科毕业设计论文。2008年获院级贡献奖,2012年获校级集体教学改革二等奖。主持北京市教委人才强教项目“组织气氛与人力资源管理”、校级教改项目“大学课堂合作学习的评价研究”等。专著有《组织气氛对人力资源管理的影响研究》和《大学生同伴学业求助研究》。发表“青年公务员职业生涯导航设计”,“人员测评模拟实践教学研究”,“企业内外部招聘合并问题研究”等论文20余篇。
JinDongmei,female,born in 1971,teaching in the department of the business administration in the business school. She got the doctoral degree in the Beijing Normal University in 2003. She was a visiting scholar in the Oxford University in 2011. She teaches the courses of the human resource management, the theory and the methodology of the personnel measurement, the human resource psychology and so on. The appraisal results from the college students are excellent. She has hosted the project of the organization atmosphere and the human resource management, and has hosted the project of the appraisal research of the cooperating learning in the college classroom. Her monographs are the research of the effects of the organization atmosphere on the human resource, and the study on the college students’ academic help-seeking behaviors between companions. Her published articles are the navigation design of the young public personnel’ career and the teaching researching on the simulation course of the personnel evaluation and so on.