
龚文,威尼斯人娱乐场-全球顶级博彩娱乐-赌场游戏测评 工商管理系副教授。1997年毕业于北京师范大学心理系,获得理学博士学位。目前承担本科生、研究生、MBA的组织行为学、管理学、管理咨询、企业管理实践等课程。近年公开发表论文10多篇,多篇论文被CSSCI收录。曾任职香港英达科技集团、北大方正集团、北京工发前思等公司,担任企业管理和管理咨询工作。主要研究领域:人力资源开发与管理,包括人才测评、绩效考核、薪酬福利、职业生涯规划等;管理学与组织行为学,包括企业成长、领导力研究、企业制度与文化建设等。曾经提供咨询服务和培训的客户包括:工商银行、建设银行、交通银行、民生银行、银河证券、宏源证券、建银投资、中广核、核电工程、诺基亚等。
Dr. GONG Wen is an associate professor of Business School, Beijing Technology & Business University. His main courses for under-graduated students, graduated students, and MBA students includes Management, Management Consulting, Organizational Behavior, and Enterprise Management Simulation . His current research focuses on Assessment, Leadership style, Enterprise Lifecycle Theory, and Organization Culture and published about 10 papers on professional journals.
He earned Ph. D degree on Psychometrics from Beijing Normal University, Department of Psychology in 1997. He has served as a human resource management consultant, business trainer and senior manager for about 10 years. He managed and implemented the HR consultation business and projects, involved projects including: Assessment, Placement, Evaluation system, Designed position responsibilities, Adjustment the organization structure, Created HR management platform, especially on higher level manager’s assessment, development, and training.