
张宏亮,1974年生于河北,博士、教授、博士生导师、CPA,投资者保护研究中心执行主任。分别于1997年、2004年和2007年毕业于兰州大学和中国人民大学,并分获经济学学士、管理学硕士和管理学博士学位,2014-2015年美国麻州大学(波士顿)访问学者。主讲“会计学原理”、“中级财务会计”、“高级财务会计”及 “会计(实证)理论”、“公司会计专题”等本科与研究生课程,致力于会计信息与公司治理、会计与投资者保护等方面的研究。在《Asia-Pacific Finance Journal》、《会计研究》、《审计研究》、《管理科学》、《财贸研究》、《财政研究》等刊物上发表论文50余篇,出版专著1部,主持并完成国家社科基金项目“基于会计的投资者保护评价体系及指数建设研究(11CGL025)”、教育部人文社科项目“制度变迁背景下会计稳健性的经济后果及其测定(10YJC790374)”及北京市教委人文社科面上项目“金融危机背景下会计稳健性的投资者保护机制及效果研究(SM201010011001)”。主持横向合作项目“房山区发改委项目”、“环保部环境规划院项目”、“北京燃气绿源达项目”、“河北省公路局项目”、“国家体育总局项目”、“中国商业经济学会项目”、“华财新三板项目”、“际华集团预算管理项目”、“京能集团产融结合项目”、“中国海油海外资产管理项目”、“中国石化全员成本管理项目”等十余项.作为核心成员完成北京市高层次人才资助计划项目、科技创新平台项目、创新团队项目、创新能力提升计划项目和国有资产管理协同创新项目各1项。担任多家会计师事务所质量控制专家、多家财务顾问(或独立董事)以及多家媒体评论人。
Dr. Hongliang Zhang, Male, Professor of accounting, was born at Hebei province in 1974. He is the head of Accounting Department and executive director of Investor Protection Research Center. He graduated from Lanzhou University and Renmin University of China in the year of 1997, 2004 and 2007 respectively, and act as a visiting scholar at U.MASS(Boston) from 2014 to 2015. Prof. Zhang teaches principle of accountancy, advanced financial accounting, accounting theory(positive approach), financial accounting and other undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum. He devoted to the research of accounting information and corporate governance as well as accounting-based investor protection. Prof. Zhang published more than 50 papers in “Asia-Pacific Finance Journal”, “Accounting Research Journal of China”, “Auditing Research Journal of China” and other professional journals as well as a monograph. He is in charge of National Social Science Fund project, Humanities and Social Science Project of the Ministry of Education and Beijing Municipal Education Commission on Humanities and Social Science project. He Presided over many projects supported by enterprise、government and CPA firms. Served as the core member, he CO-PI many projects, such as “High-Level talents Fund”,” Innovation team Project”. He act as the auditing quality control expert for many CPA firms, the financial advisor or independent director for many companies and independent commentator for many media.