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 郭崇义,男,北京大学理学博士,副教授,美国麻州大学波士顿分校(UMassBoston)访问学者,中国商业史学会理事。主讲的本科生、留学生、MBA课程主要有:“零售管理”、“Retail Management”、“市场营销学”、 “营销管理”及“企业营销案例分析”。研究领域:批发零售管理、营销分析与决策、农产品流通、区位理论与应用。主持国家社会科学基金项目1项:“拓宽农产品流通渠道管理制度研究”,主持北京市哲学社会科学规划项目1项:“北京居民农产品供应保障体系建设研究”。参加多项省部级课题,参加多项企业咨询项目,参加多项政府课题。发表论文20余篇,参编著作10余部。代表专著《商业布局与区位决策》。

ChongyiGuo, Male. Ph.D., Science, Peking University.Associate Professor, Director of Marketing Department, Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University, Person in Charge of MarketingProfessional. Visiting Scholar of UMass Boston.Member of the Council, China Commercial History Institute. Courses Taught Include Retail Management, Marketing, MarketingManagement, and Marketing Case Study. Research Interests Include Wholesale and Retail Management, Marketing Analysis and Decisions, Circulation of Agricultural Products, and Location Theory& Applications. Responsible for the National Fund of Philosophy and Social Science of China: “Study onwideningManagement Institution of Circulation Channelof Agricultural Products”. Responsible for theFund of Philosophy and Social Science of Beijing: “Study on the Construction of Beijing Residents’ Agricultural Products Supply Security System”.Participation inMany Projects at the Provincial and Ministerial Level, Many Business ConsultingProjects, and Many Government Projects. More than 20 research papers Published, the author or co-author of more than 10 books.